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Knock-down Content Marketing Pointers for Small Businesses

Small businesses have been slow to implement content marketing strategies as used vigorously by corporate website owners. Over the years, SEO has developed significantly and it has become clear that small business need to include e-books, how-tos, comparison pathfinders and content marketing proficiencies to remain competitive in the rankings.

Whether content is created in-house or outsourced to an agency, there will a time when an originative idea for interesting and new content is tough to generate. Therefore here are some tips for creating an outstanding content.

Create a Content Marketing Calendar

Keep a calendar that documents your content strategy which is a great way to ensure timely creation of content. This strategy cannot be overlooked because 61% of marketers opine that the greatest challenge with this is that it takes time and only 44% have reported to document the content marketing strategy. Then merge it with a content calendar of the month which is a first step that provides set amount of time to formulate, brainstorm, publish and create.

Install Useful Tools

Before you plunge into other websites to follow their techniques, it is important to understand yours. Go through Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools to know about top-trafficked page and search queries. This will help you to understand which content has worked best for you and the keywords people have used to fine your website. Even social statistics will provide perceptivity into the content which has brought maximum traffic.

Understand What Works Best for You?

Check the performance of social media by utilizing the services like Add This which is embedded in the sharing button of the blogs along with the tracking information. They also have easy-to-share dashboards which provide information on number of likes and click share from the shared content. In other words understanding the trends will help you to figure which strategies and topics have worked for you and what you can use in future?

Creation of Surveys

Write news for your website with a simple survey. Understand the visitor stance in that particular industry which provides topics for articles and info graphics. This will help in creating back links for the content and build a reputation for being a valuable source of data. Today creating and conducting surveys have become extremely easier with products like Google Consumer Surveys and Survey Monkey Audience. These allow creation of surveys and purchase of response at an affordable price.

Visually Appealing Content

SEO basically focuses on text as search engines crawl on them but visual content is more appealing for readers. It keeps the readers engaged because 90% of information retained by the brain is visual and the content which uses good image gets about 94% of views than those without it.

Creating a video blog is another way to create high quality content. It has been estimated that about 78% percent of people watch online video every week and only 55% say that they watch it every day. Creating a video blog is not much of hassle because they are easy to understand, comprehend and fun to shoot with your personal webcam. The best part is that they require minimal editing.

Use of Repurpose Content

Sometimes finding a topic and doing research on it is often time consuming. Therefore it’s better to create a bundle of content which you have already created around particular topic. It is better to gather content with a rudimentary theme like ‘Website Design Tips’ and then pack it with a supplemental blog post. In fact this creates a package of materials for the readers to digest.

Content marketing is an important component of SEO because it works by engaging new and existing content which encourages sharing. For small businesses it is tough to stay on the path and the ideas are tough to generate on consistent basis.