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Social Media Resources to Improve Search Rankings

Today, it is just not enough to have a popular website with engaging content. If you want an online visibility for your business then it’s time to look how social media influences those results.

Basically, SEO revolves around two things which are the use of right keywords and the number of authoritative links which are linked back to your content with the help of inbound links. Then social media entered the scenario and changed everything.

Take a look at the following points so that you can understand how to succeed at social media circle and SEO.

Nowadays, the old days of online marketing are obsolete. Let us go down the business and understand how you can align both SEO and social media efforts? Here are some best practices for social media in SEO:

Content is Still the King

It is true that ‘Content is the King’ and everything else is gravy. If you can get the right content then you can set the strong foundation for the success of SEO. Content is a part of smart SEO strategy because Google continues to push quality over quantitative approach to drive search engine traffic to a website. Therefore content is a part of smart SEO strategy. This strategy should go beyond link-building and keyword optimization.

Promote your Content

Make your content shareable on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ and other network which is connect to your brand to wider social web. This allows your message to potentially reach thousands of prospects. Install social media share buttons on your website for Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Pinterest, Facebook and LinkedIn. Asking people to share your content is one of the easiest ways to bring in traffic.

Boost Your Social Media Profiles

If you have a blog then you must know that images can be a powerful SEO magnet. The problem is that it is often overlooked in favor of written content and is often a grave mistake. The article explains how images have a great impact on SEO and the multiple areas which you need to focus for image optimization. It is important to boost your social media profiles and the benefit of doing is that people will be able to find your profile, connect with you instantly and ultimately pay a visit to your website.

Google Authorship

Authorship is one of the important features of Google+. This allows the author’s picture to appear next to the search results of the content created. With Google authorship you can improve search ranking and brand yourself as a thought leader in this field. The best way is to add face to your work.

Measuring Social Media Profiles

There are array of reasons why your brand uses social media profile in first place. This is to increase brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales and others. The only way to know is that whether you are achieving these goals to measure them. Many brands get fixated on measuring the wrong things. Measuring social media profile is tricky and the impact of your social media profiles is trickier.